extra Credit_review_kim yeonjun 4
Isaac Arthur
Aliens vs AI
Isaac first told three reasons why AI cannot harm humans. 1. Not all AIs agree, 2. AIs say they will develop paranoia that the world they live in is a lie, and 3. When they go extinct, they don't know if another civilization or the same human race will come to wipe them out. I think this is possible because of AI's fatal problems, like the match between Lee Se-dol and AlphaGo. After the match between Lee Se-dol and AlphaGo, drivers in sports like Go and Chess have more cases against AI, and they practice to beat AI. The way they targeted AI was that it was the best and best shot in any situation. They purposely induced the AI to take a number of off-guard action and then beat it in a critical number after dozens (the number I heard was about 26). Perhaps AIs are so smart that they think about tens of thousands of ways they can extinction humans. Ironically, however, humans also think about tens of thousands of ways to control themselves.
What's unique about this video is that the boundary between aliens and AI is blurry. Aliens we usually think of are big eyes, short stature, and colorful skin. However, it refers to various AI + alien civilizations, including one that lives in virtual reality and controls robots, one that controls AI, one that does not use AI, and one that does not use AI. It would be difficult to talk about AI without considering the technology that would come to distant interstellar space.
Their behavior is diverse and unusual. They have a wide variety of everyday lives and behaviors -- virtual reality civilizations, space-ditching civilizations, war and looting, terraforming, imperial civilizations, interstellar civilizations, and coming back to reclaim their homeland. And there are space life civilizations that we haven't talked about, but we often talk about. There's space, where those billion civilizations go to war. He said, the universe is too big and diverse for AI and aliens to mean a lot. The beings we imagine in that faraway universe, however, may be very similar or identical to us. But we think of only limited aspects, different in skin and very different in appearance. That imagination keeps us stagnant and not allowing us to go any further.
Because of our imagination, AI is unable to attack humans, I have separated AI from aliens in a dichotomous way, and I have regarded the image of aliens as just big-eyed dwarfs with heterogeneous skin colors. We can only imagine when we stop imagining.
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