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The psychology of self-motivation | Scott Geller | TED talks x VirginiaTech


Scott Geller is a Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech and a member of the American Psychological Association. Scott focuses on the "psychology of self-motivation" and how to have the motivation to find it in life.

Self-motivation is an important skill that we all need to master. Being able to motivate yourself and others at work will make things better. When you are presented with a huge and daunting task, you should be able to motivate yourself instead of procrastinating; it will only make it harder to overcome inertia.Self-motivation is also important in your personal life. Think about the countless times when you lacked the motivation to go to the gym or save money. How did you feel? Maybe it was a feeling of defeat and frustration. You often don't feel good. But if you can motivate yourself and achieve, you feel proud and happy.

Find out what motivates you.

The most straightforward way to motivate yourself here is to first find out what motivates you. This sounds simple enough, but sometimes you may need to think about your motivation again.

There are two types of motivation

Intrinsic: Performing an action or task based on the expectation or perceived satisfaction of performing an action or task. Intrinsic motivations include entertainment, interest, and challenge.Extrinsic: Performing an action or task in order to obtain some kind of reward, including money, power, and good grades.

If you find that your motivation is extrinsic, try to incorporate it into your goals. Assuming your goal is to stay in shape, try to think about what rewards you'll get on your journey or after you achieve your goal. For example, you could evolve it into a career to make money.


This presentation discusses the importance of self-motivation and presents four key factors, called the four "C's": empowerment, training, choice, and community. The speaker emphasizes how these factors can help individuals and groups achieve higher levels of self-motivation and success.

  1. Empowerment: Empowerment is more than the assignment of responsibilities and tasks; it is a feeling, a sense of being trusted and empowered. The speaker explains the importance of empowerment through self-efficacy and response efficacy, which are the basis for self-motivation.
  2. Training (Education): The presentation discusses the difference between training and education. Education is about improving understanding and competence, while training is more focused on skills and behaviors. The speaker emphasizes how education helps people understand the validity of behaviors and decisions, thus increasing response effectiveness.
  3. Choice: A sense of choice is another important factor in self-motivation. The speaker cites research by psychologists that emphasizes that individuals are more motivated and self-motivated when they feel they have a choice. A sense of choice also helps individuals to feel that they are in charge of their own lives, rather than being passive recipients.
  4. Community: Community support is critical to an individual's self-motivation and well-being. The speaker uses the poem, "The Cookie Thief," to demonstrate how community influences individual behaviors and attitudes. He calls out the need for individuals and the community to be interdependent rather than just striving for independence.

Throughout the presentation, the speaker emphasizes how these four "C's" can be used to motivate individuals and others to achieve higher levels of personal achievement and group cooperation through a combination of personal experiences and psychological theories.


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