W12.1 May 20 (Mon)

Q) Our society is shaped by technology in numerous ways. Can we think of some?

A) When a new technology is formed, people become accustomed to it. For example, in the past, if we made an error on an assignment or didn't know something, we looked it up in a book. After technology developed, people searched for papers on the Internet or asked people. And these days, with the advancement of AI, we ask ChatGPT anything when doing assignments and even ask it to write a report. In the process of doing something like this, our actions show different appearances depending on the advancement of technology.

Q) Do you think that development of powerful weapons like nuclear weapons makes the world a safer place?

A) I don't think the development of powerful weapons will make the world a safer place. From primitive tribes in ancient times to modern times, the world's weapons have continued to develop, and even when World War II broke out, nuclear bombs powerful enough to destroy a country with just a few launches had already been created. Nevertheless, a world war broke out, and the weapon did nothing to prevent it. Of course, the use of the atomic bomb stopped the war, but this simply divided the victorious and defeated countries and did not resolve the war peacefully or reduce the damage of the war.

Q) Based on our discussion so far, do you think South Korea should acquire nuclear weapons? would it make it safer? North Korea already have nuclear weapons, for example.

A) I think South Korea should have nuclear weapons. It is unclear whether having nuclear weapons would make war less likely. However, Korea is a country under a truce, and having sufficient weapons and troops compared to the other side (North Korea) is safer and stronger when war breaks out again.


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