Project 3- extra credit 2023079825 kimseoeun

 5/31- Technology assignment - What did you do? What did you learn? Was it fun?

-       Each spent a day restricting a different skill. We divided the limited technology into 3 parts. I took part of digital payments, so I didn’t use digital payment systems for a day.

-       In here, I learned digital payments are vital technology, especially for sick people. Also, I knew it was very effective technology in terms of time and cost.

-       It was fun for me to take a day with limit of digital payments. Its because I can use electronic devices only except digital payments. It means I can use online shopping, so I could see my ideal items, but I couldn’t pay it… so it was very irritated day but also a funny day. I think it can be common if we didn’t divided the section of limited technology.


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