Given Questions on May 27th class.

Q.. Day in life of a teenager in Ancient Rome. What is similar to our lives? What is different? 

In the video, I can see a teenager's daylife in Ancient Rome. 


The boy named Lucius lived in an apartment which are crammed in. Smelling smoke and ash is common things. The girl who lived in South Korea is also lived in an apartment that are crammed in. Also, even if I lived in 12th floor, I can smell cigarette odor commonly. I was surprised at the aspect of washing body. They Enter the bath in this order. Cold, Warm, Hot. Also, they had a massage, using oil and peel off the grime. It was very similar to Korean Public bathhouse routines. 


Then, what can be different? In the Ancient Rome, half of children die before they reach adulthood. However, now, we can live more longer cause of medical advances. In Ancient Rome, they completed education at 17 years old and hired as a commander. However in Korea, we graduated high school at 19 years old. Also, most of students went to university at 20 years old. 

In case of business, Lucius cannot doing business things until 25 years old. However in Korea, teenagers can doing business with parent's permissions. 

Also, Lucius got married at 17 years old with 7 years old girl. It was quite different in Korea. Most men and women got married after 30 years old in Korea. I knew there's few countries that get married in young age like Lucius and his wife. 

In Ancient Rome, there are slaves, but now, we don't have any slaves through abolition of slavery. 


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