Planning for project 2-(Chaehyun Lee, SeoEun Kim, and NaKyung Kim)

 Planning for Project 2


Suwon starfield library

Is it accessible to everyone?

This place is an open library and landmark within the complex shopping center Starfield. The library is located on the 4th to 7th floors of the building, making it accessible to many people. What makes this place different from a regular library is that it is not organized for people to read in silence. Therefore, here people are free to talk and chat.


Is it possible to stay and observe without attracting attention?

There are many different types of people approaching and taking pictures here, so people are not conscious of observers taking videos or sitting for a long time.


what behaviors we are interested in

We are interested in three main things. First, how people behave and use different types of seating in the library. Second, how people behave when they stand and watch instead of sit. Third, the race, age, gender, and other characteristics of library visitors and the groups they bring with them (friends, lovers, or family).


How to collect data

we will be observing from the 4th floor, which is where many people stay and pass by. We will continue to observe the library for 30 minutes, and at the same time, we will collect data by taking 15 minutes of video.


We want to visit on a weekend when it is most crowded and on a weekday when it is relatively quiet, to observe the characteristics and differences between the two. In fact, we visited the library yesterday (4/28) to observe people during the weekend hours.


So, we want to proceed with Project 2 according to the above.


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