my ideal park design

the most i seem important thing is the events. when people expirence the park, the park should be to has events. each event do not allowed to be same position.

what i drawed for example, i put performance stage at the park. musicsions can perform at the stage. and the front of that stage, i put sittable chair places. i just drawed three chairs but it would be more that 20 chairs. behind that place, there are cafeterias. 

road of the park is surrounded by trees. the road should to be has events. when the spring comes, the road will be gonna pink. cause of cherry blossoms.

big fountain park and the benches are good events too. people like waters and they like to gather in.

there are large plain green place that people can picnic. and the sports court like tennis court would be good event place.

many entrace can give more accessbility.

here's ai picures


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