About midterm 염금금YANJINJIN

  The Truman Show(midterm)

                                                      Name :염금금

                                                      School Number:2022025105

 The Truman Show is a thought-provoking film in which plot elements can be interpreted through Goffman's plot theory. Here are the Goffman elements and examples and reasons for selection in the film:

Impression management:

Dramaturgical Loyalty: The audience faithfully believes in Truman's character and the life he presents, engrossed in emotion and trust, believing that what they see is real.

Example: The audience has been paying attention to Truman's life, generating an emotional commitment to his story, resonating with his plight and struggles.

Reason: This example shows the emotional connection and trust that viewers have in Truman, and their willingness to believe that his life is real, which is what the producer wants to achieve in order to successfully deceive the audience.

Dramaturgical Discipline: Producers and cast members follow strict rules and procedures to ensure that Truman's life looks real and that they strictly enforce their roles without revealing any details.

Example: Actors follow the script all the time, and no matter what happens, they don't reveal the truth about the false world Truman is in.

Reason: This example illustrates the discipline of producers and actors in maintaining false reality, who strictly enforce roles and keep secrets to ensure consistency of the story and the trust of the audience.

Dramaturgical Circumspection: Producers and actors are very careful not to expose any inappropriate signs in front of Truman, so as not to provoke his suspicions.

Example: Producers and actors are cautious in their interactions with Truman, making sure that their actions and words do not arouse Truman's suspicions so as not to undermine the fabrication of false reality.

Reason: This example underscores the cautious attitude of producers and actors when interacting with Truman, who are aware that any inappropriate behavior could expose their hoax, and so they are on high alert.

Tact: Producers and actors are adept at handling situations to ensure Truman doesn't doubt his environment, and they're good at controlling scenes to avoid cracks.

Example: When Truman begins to doubt his life, producers and actors handle the situation skillfully to prevent him from discovering the truth, they are adept at coping with unexpected situations, and act quickly to cover up any suspicions.

Reason: This example shows how producers and actors skillfully handle a variety of situations in order to maintain the coherence and stability of false reality, and their wit and resilience are critical to maintaining their hoax.


Go-between: In the film, the producers act as the backstabbers, who control Truman's life by arranging various episodes and events while maintaining contact with other actors and staff.

Example: Producers communicate instructions and tasks to actors through intermediaries to ensure that the fictional world continues to work without breaking points.

Reason: This character was chosen to ensure that producers can quickly and effectively communicate information and instructions to maintain stability and consistency in the false world.

Informer: In a movie, some actors act as informants who provide producers with information about Truman's actions and suspicions so that producers can act in a timely manner.

Example: Truman's neighbors or colleagues may be instructed to report Truman's observed behavior to the producer to help the producer understand his mental state and action plan.

Reason: This character exists to ensure that producers are kept abreast of Truman's situation and react accordingly to maintain the surface of false reality.

Service Specialist: Some people in the movie are scheduled to provide Truman with a variety of services to make sure his life looks more real.

Example: Cleaners, maintenance workers, or other service personnel in Truman's home may be instructed to follow specific arrangements to ensure that their presence does not raise Truman's suspicions.

Reason: By hiring service specialists, producers have better control over Truman's living environment and make sure he doesn't cast doubt.

Collegue: In Truman's workplace, some of his colleagues are actors who work with Truman but are in fact subject to producer arrangements.

Example: Truman's colleagues may be instructed to interact with him at work to ensure that his work environment looks authentic while monitoring his behavior.

Reason: By scheduling colleagues, producers can achieve a greater degree of control and surveillance in Truman's day-to-day work to ensure that his actions do not expose the truth about the false world.

Shill: A shill is a person who deliberately directs the actions or reactions of others in a social environment.In a film, a producer or other actor would play such a role to guide Truman's actions or thoughts.

Example: A stranger talks to Truman on the street, suggesting that he should not doubt his life and express appreciation for the show to reinforce Truman's beliefs.

Reason: By arranging for the King to be appointed, the producer can implant support for false reality in Truman's daily life, strengthening his conviction so that he does not cast doubt.

Informer: Informer is someone who is used to provide information about someone or something. In the film, producers hire people to monitor Truman's actions and provide critical information to producers.

Example: Truman's neighbors or colleagues were instructed to monitor his actions and report to the producers any signs that might expose false reality, such as his behavior, words, or suspicion.

Reason: Using informants, producers can keep abreast of Truman's dynamics, ensuring they can control the situation and respond to any potential hazards in a timely manner.

Spotter: A monitor is a person who monitors a particular person or behavior in a particular environment. In the film, producers send people to act as monitors to make sure Truman's behavior is consistent with their expectations.

Example: In Truman's home or workplace, arrange for someone to act as a watchdog, keeping a close eye on his actions to make sure he doesn't suspect his own life.

Reason: By setting up monitors, producers can monitor Truman's behavior in real time, spotting and resolving any issues that could expose false reality in a timely manner.


Dramatic Realization: In movies, characters strive to make their actions and emotions seem more real in order to convince the audience that what they're experiencing is real.

Example: Truman and the other actors show real emotions and reactions in different scenes, such as their smiles, eye contact, and emotional reactions to unexpected events.

Reason: These performances allow viewers to feel emotionally resonant, enhancing the credibility of false reality and making it easier for them to believe the story presented.

Idealization: Producers and actors create an idealized image by emphasizing the beauty and perfection of Truman's life, in order to enhance the audience's identification and sympathy with him.

In the film, Truman is portrayed as a devoted husband, friendly neighbor, and hardworking employee whose life is idealized as a perfect family and career.

Reason: By idealizing Truman's life, producers can more easily engage viewers emotionally and make them resonate with Truman's fate.

Maintenance of Expressive Control: Characters strive to control their emotional expression to ensure that their actions and reactions match the surface of false reality.

Example: Truman and other actors struggle to control their emotions in the face of unexpected situations or unexpected events in order to maintain superficial calm and naturalness towards the audience.

Reason: By maintaining expression control, characters can maintain the coherence of false reality and avoid exposing any emotions or behaviors that do not meet expectations.

Misrepresentation: Producers and actors deliberately manipulate information and events to mislead viewers and Truman into believing the truth of false reality.

Example: The producer arranges or creates an illusion to hide the truth around Truman and convince him that everything he has experienced is real.

Reason: By misleading viewers and Truman, producers can more easily maintain false reality and make sure their hoaxes aren't exposed.

Mystification: Producers and actors increase the mystery and appeal of false reality by maintaining the mystery of some information and events, making viewers more curious and engaged.

Example: Producers deliberately hide the truth of certain information or events in order to increase the audience's interest in and desire to explore the storyline.

Reason: Through mystification, producers can increase viewers' curiosity and engagement with false reality, making them more immersed in the story and less likely to notice the flaws.


Treatment of the Absent: How producers and other actors deal with characters or events that aren't present to control Truman's and viewers' perceptions of false reality.

Example: The producer manipulates Truman's emotions and behaviors by talking or talking about the absentee, such as talking about his deceased parents, to provoke his emotional response.

Reason: By dealing with absentees, producers can influence Truman's emotions and behaviors, thereby controlling how false reality is presented and enhancing the audience's trust.

Staging Talk: How producers and other actors arrange conversations and communications to create images of false reality and influence the perceptions of viewers and Truman.

Example: Conversations are carefully arranged to convey specific messages or emotions, such as those between Truman and his wife, which are designed to emphasize their happiness and intimacy.

Reason: By arranging conversations, producers can deliver the information they need to the audience and shape the relationships between the characters to enhance the realism of false reality.

Team Collusion: How producers and actors work together to maintain the coherence and stability of false reality.

Example: Actors negotiate with each other to make sure their performance and behavior are in line with expectations, while producers may work with team members to plan how to respond to unexpected situations.

Reason: Through team collusion, producers can ensure that everyone understands and follows the rules and objectives of false reality, thus maintaining its surface stability and consistency.

Realigning Actions: How producers and actors adjust their actions and reactions in the event of an unexpected situation or breach to mask inconsistencies in false reality.

Example: When Truman begins to doubt his life or look for clues, producers and actors take immediate action, such as creating distractions or providing misleading information to refocus his attention and beliefs.

Reasons for this: Re-alignment of action can help producers and actors cope with unexpected situations, maintain the stability of false reality, and prevent it from being exposed.


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