W4.1 March 25 (Mon) extra credit 2---WANG YUERONG


Regarding Goffman's "The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life," although I have not yet completed reading this book, I have some understanding of its core viewpoints and theories. The book delves into how people present themselves and the significance of their behaviors in everyday social interactions. Goffman elucidates the contextual nature of social interactions through his "dramaturgical approach," metaphorically likening it to performances on a stage. His concepts of the "front stage" and "backstage," as well as his discussions on "roles" and "impression management," are particularly insightful. He emphasizes how individuals play different roles in various situations and shape their self-image through their actions and behaviors. The book also explores "facework," examining how individuals maintain their social image. Goffman suggests that individuals present their identities through impression management, including their attire, speech, and demeanor, which is crucial for shaping social relationships. In summary, this book underscores how individuals construct and maintain social identities through self-presentation in everyday life, which is significant for understanding human social interactions.

Although I have not yet completed reading the book, from what I understand, it appears to be a sociological work that deeply analyzes social phenomena and human behavior. Despite not having read it in its entirety, I believe this book still holds relevance for social science students in the 2020s. After all, the themes and theories explored by Goffman remain relevant and applicable in today's society.

Of course, since I have not completed reading the book, my understanding may not be comprehensive or thorough. If given the opportunity, I will read the book as soon as possible to gain a deeper understanding of its viewpoints and arguments.

Interesting point

Goffman delves into how people manage their own face and shape others' impressions of themselves through speech, actions, clothing, and more. These discussions not only provide profound insights into human behavior but also prompt readers to reflect on their own behaviors and interactions in everyday life.

What insights do you believe Goffman's theories offer for understanding interpersonal communication and social interaction in contemporary society? Can his theories explain the impact of social media and digital technologies on people's behavior and impression management?


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