Given Questions On March 22th(6th class)

1. Invent a short story which features examples of Goffman's roles: spotter, non-person, service specialist, go-between and colleague. 

I answered in the class of spotter, non-person and service specialist. So I'm going to talk about go-between and colleague in this blog. 


I think it can be a assistant. In a university, they communicate with professors, grading student's assignment or test. They give students a test information, too. They didn't hide informations to students and communicate with students, other assistants, professors.


I think it can be guest idol. For example, TV program appearance "YOO JAE SEOK" learn singing and dancing to be in the idol group EXO. He presents the same routine (concert stage) to the same kind of audience(EXO-L, fandom of idol group EXO). Also, he granted a temporary 'team memebership', too. 

2. What's the front(setting, appearance and manner) of a TV idol? Commanding military officer? a shopkeeper? 

TV idol


They have a lot of cameras in their waiting room(backstages). There are a lot of stage clothes, beauty objects, hair objects, scripts, mic... etc. Except idol's stuff, there are a lot of staffs' stuffs. 

appearance: they usually have a heavy make-up cause of makeup can blows in the light. also, they have a lot of fancy accersories, colorful hair. and they are usually very thin. cause camera makes them look fatter than they actually are. 


they usually greets their fans, reporters and their colleagues. they usually speak in a raised tone, take a big gesture, looking their homepage master's camera. 

commanding military officer 


They usually lives in the military dormitory or near around. Props is just in a military.


They wear military uniform. They can either man or woman, but usually man. In Korea, their uniform are usually green, but it can be change by their military unit. Also their posture, they use a particular tone. Except the uniform, they need to keep their short hair, so they have a limit in the fashion style. 


They just act like soldiers, because they are soldiers. It means they have to follow the strict military rules, restricted by their superior. Also they should act more strict than normal soldiers its because they have to lead a lot of soldiers, so they have to be an example. They usually speak very loud, it looks like yelling. 

a shopkeeper 


props can be different by their shops. 


They usually look charismatic. Its because they need to hire and order the staffs. 


They speak very loud so they can order their employees. They are usually very organized because they need to know employees' schedules. Also, they are not always in the shop, they just come to shop sometimes to check shop's status. 

3. How should a student act in order for the teacher to think the student is paing attention in class? what to do and what not to do? (other examples are okay)

For example, students usually have a eye contact with professor/teacher, when they want themselves to look paing attention in class. They usually have a lot of questions to professor/teacher, too. They should not sleep during class and cannot chat with classmates. 

4. Example of maintaining control of my character.

Although I have a very sensitive smell, I tried my best to not disturb class time. Its because some students have smoking during breaktime or before the class. I just hold my breathe for a minute. I cannot have a seat move during class cause there is not a subway. I have to stay in character "student". 


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